Shared accountability in missions
♪ To whom is the church accountable in terms of evangelism, outreach, social justice, discipleship, and leadership development? Clearly, it is primarily accountable to God in obedience to the instructions of Scripture. Do conference boards and leadership have a right to speak into this area of the life of the church?

Remembering Gil Reimer
GILBERT A. REIMER was born in Steinbach on March 31, 1938, to Benjamin L. and Elizabeth Reimer. After visiting his brother Cliff and Diana Reimer, missionaries in Panama under Gospel Missionary Union (now Avant), he applied to GMU to serve in Panama.

Responding to Foreigners as Scripture Instructs
“COMO NACIDO ENTRE NOSOTROS” (CNEN; “as born among us” in English), a network of Christian communities that responds to the migrant situation held its Encuentro (meeting) in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, from January 30 to February 2, 2024.

Is the EMC Creating Dependency in Nicaragua?
Why do we continue to send money to Nicaragua when we haven’t had missionaries serving there since the early 1990s? Aren’t they self-sustaining yet? Couldn’t we use our funds for other ministries that are more valuable? Doesn’t this cause them to be dependent on us?

Why are some missionaries silent?
Let’s talk about missionaries who rarely report in The Messenger or through any of our other publications. If you read any EMC missions publications, you will see occasional blank spots—maybe just an initial, no photo, no mission agency listed, no home church. And no details of the work they are doing, only general information about what to pray for. What’s going on? What’s the risk?
EMC Missionary Fellowship ‘like a family gathering’
EMC missionaries from all over the world were able to make new connections, build community, and encourage one another in their calling at the annual EMC Missionary Fellowship held September 07, 2023, at Prairie Rose EMC in Landmark, Man.

Why are we serving in Bolivia?
I currently serve in Bolivia with Misión Evangélica Menonita (MEM)—Mennonite Evangelical Mission in English. Our team consists of 33 people, including children, and we all come from different countries. We live in different communities, but we all work toward the same goal.

In Algeciras, a bountiful harvest awaits
Last summer, driving through the roads of the province of Jaen in the south of Spain I was struck by the number of hills full of olive trees everywhere I turned. The first thought that came to mind was, when is time of harvest?

The gift of vocation
Among the most inspiring experiences in my life, I have had the privilege to be present, on numerous occasions, to observe someone doing something with great joy that they are highly skilled to do.

‘Watching the lights go on’
What an incredible responsibility to teach the Bible every day! Dave spends a lot of time studying the Word. The Lord helps him teach in a way that is easy to understand, and applicable to daily life.

No boredom at Paraguayan staff retreat
Since we hadn’t had a retreat for a few years now, and being only a small group, we decided to invite the current and retired EMC missionaries with their kids and grandkids. This idea was met with enthusiasm, so we had a two-day retreat at the end of December 2022.

Squeaking past protestors
We are told that at this time of year this place is usually hopping with tourists coming out to enjoy the vast beaches, but this year is a little different. With all the protests going on, the town is quiet and tranquil.

EMC appoints Director of Global Outreach
The Personnel Committee is pleased to announce that George Dumitrascu has agreed to serve as EMC Director of Global Outreach. George will begin his role in the summer of 2023.

Praise in the midst of challenge
Nicaragua is an extraordinarily beautiful country with amazingly resilient people. Sadly, these people live in a geographical region that is susceptible to natural disasters and political instability.

Missionary missteps: even missionaries make mistakes when stepping into unfamiliar territory
These missionaries remind us that no matter how competent and prepared we are, we will make mistakes when we step out, and that’s okay.

A tangible longing for peace
The longing for peace is tangible in East Africa especially among the South Sudanese refugees, as they long for an end to the suffering and their return to a country of peace.

Engaging the next generation of workers
Calvin Tiessen will provide EMC with a portion of his time to dedicate to recruitment, training, placement and retention of EMC missionaries, church planters and pastors. Calvin is an experienced cross-cultural worker currently on home assignment.

Polar Bear Marathon is in the book—literally
In spite of obstacles, the 11th Polar Bear Marathon in Churchill, held on November 19, 2022, was completed—to God’s glory!

Minimalist art shows what God has done
Welcome to the Minimalistic Art Edition of the Messenger missionary feature. This is the edition where I made a quick minimalist piece of art for everything God did in the last three months on our field in Northern Ireland. And by everything, I mean four things.

Prayer is a blessing to give and receive
For a number of years EMC has been sending out teams to pray for missionaries on EMC-administrated mission fields. Those who have gone on such trips can testify to the blessing it is.