Shared accountability in missions
♪ To whom is the church accountable in terms of evangelism, outreach, social justice, discipleship, and leadership development? Clearly, it is primarily accountable to God in obedience to the instructions of Scripture. Do conference boards and leadership have a right to speak into this area of the life of the church?

Celebrating a lifetime of ministry
Tim and Laurel Schroder’s first trip to Pukapuki, Papua New Guinea (PNG), included an eight-hour boat trip up the river during which they nearly collided with another dugout, wrecking their propeller and almost swamping their boat with all their belongings.

Missions committees: thinking outside the box
♪ According to the information we have from our churches across Canada, approximately half our congregations have a missions committee of some sort—though how they function varies.

Different family situations, different challenges
♪ In 1 Corinthians 7:32–34, Paul writes that for both the unmarried man and woman, they are freer to be “concerned about the Lord’s affairs—how [they] can please the Lord.” He adds, “her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit.”