Celebrating a lifetime of ministry
Tim and Laurel Schroder’s first trip to Pukapuki, Papua New Guinea (PNG), included an eight-hour boat trip up the river during which they nearly collided with another dugout, wrecking their propeller and almost swamping their boat with all their belongings.
Laurel and Tim Schroder are presented with a painting.
Nearly 70 people gathered on September 14, 2024, to hear this story—among others—celebrating Tim and Laurel Schroder’s lifetime of ministry. Attending the luncheon, held at a Holiday Inn in Winnipeg, were current and former EMC mission workers, church mission committee members, and people interested in serving in the future.
Before lunch was served, the group spent some time getting to know one another, particularly their experiences serving around the world. For instance, the longest tenure of service mentioned was 47 years. One worker indicated she knew at least some of nine different languages. Two people confessed to having been involved in fender benders while serving in another country, one of them twice!
Travis and Rosey Zacharias, serving in Paraguay, shared about their ministry, focusing on the joys of their church work in Minga Guazú, and the adventures of growing the Che Roga camp ministry which sees hundreds of kids each summer.
Board of Missions chair, Anthony Reimer, spoke about the life of Gideon in an encouraging devotional. He reminded us that “God uses ordinary people, even those who struggle with fear and self-doubt, even me, to do extraordinary things for him.” While we can make excuses and ignore the call, when we ultimately surrender to the Lord, he can and does use us for his glory!
Gerald Reimer (far right) prays for Rosey and Travis Zacharias, serving in Paraguay
After a fried chicken lunch, Jeff Neufeld (Steinbach EFC) and two fellow musicians pointed us to God’s goodness and our need for him through song. Gerald Reimer followed, paying tribute to the Schroders’ life and work, reflecting on more than 30 years of service in Papua New Guinea, giving guests the opportunity to hear some of the adventures of these quiet servants.
“Did you know,” Gerald asked, “that Tim and Laurel met at the Northern Fellowship Chapel in Creighton, Saskatchewan, and that when Laurel realized their relationship was getting serious, she made it clear that she was going into missions work, and that Tim was going to need to be on the same page if their relationship was to continue to grow?”
After getting married they applied both with New Tribes and EMC Missions and set out for PNG in 1993. Tim and Laurel spent many years in evangelism and discipleship in the remote community of Pukapuki. In 2003 they adopted two Haitian children and continued on the field for another 20 years.
Tim and Laurel wrapped up the event with a presentation showing photos of the many people they had come to love in PNG and sharing an overview of their years of ministry.
The EMC is so blessed to have workers like the Schroders and many others who have faithfully served on different continents around the world. Many of these people were in attendance and it was a joy to hear their voices as they shared stories and gave God the glory!