What are we inspiring
Column, Inspiring Faith Mo Friesen Column, Inspiring Faith Mo Friesen

What are we inspiring

♪ The conversation surrounding passing on our Christian faith to the next generations can become quite heated these days. On the one hand, some feel that parents, family members and especially church leaders should sit back and let the next generation choose their beliefs without any interference or coercion. On another side, there are Christian parents who expect their children to accept their beliefs without dialogue, questions or opportunity to explore their faith.

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We need grandparents in children’s ministry
Column, Inspiring Faith Ruth Konrad Column, Inspiring Faith Ruth Konrad

We need grandparents in children’s ministry

When I served in the children’s ministry in my home church as a young adult, one of our faithful volunteers was Grandpa Ed. Grandpa Ed showed up nearly every week and was what we called a “listener”—he wasn’t in a classroom or teaching a Bible lesson, but as kids worked through their memory verses in their classroom, he was available in another area to work one-on-one with kids to memorize or recite their verse. And they loved him.

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My little thief
Column, Inspiring Faith Phil Callaway Column, Inspiring Faith Phil Callaway

My little thief

♪ Do you remember the good old days? When we could walk to the corner store, pick up milk, chocolate bars, maybe a new bike? You can’t get away with that anymore. They have surveillance cameras now. Well, theft is no laughing matter.

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Can God fit in you?
Column, Further In and Higher Up Layton Friesen Column, Further In and Higher Up Layton Friesen

Can God fit in you?

♪ A prayer from the African pastor Augustine in the 4th century has stirred my thought for some time: God, “you were closer to me than I am to myself.” If you place that prayer alongside Paul’s prayer that the Ephesians be “filled [with] … all the fulness of God” (Ephesians 3:19), you quickly find yourself in a bottomless sea of wonder and prayer.

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Why we need young men in children’s ministry
Column, Inspiring Faith Ruth Konrad Column, Inspiring Faith Ruth Konrad

Why we need young men in children’s ministry

♪ ALEX IS THE boy nobody wants in their class. He’s in grade two and has seemingly limitless energy and zero attention span. His comments and questions are never on topic, and everybody is convinced that he is learning nothing. He’s usually facing away from the teacher, making faces or jokes as they try to teach, and the end of the year is a relief because he is finally somebody else’s problem.

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The church has no “leadership” crisis
Further In and Higher Up, Column Layton Friesen Further In and Higher Up, Column Layton Friesen

The church has no “leadership” crisis

♪ WHEN I ENTERED the academic world recently, I noticed changes in Christian education I had not been aware of. I had not realized education had become so focused on leadership development. Across Canada’s Christian colleges there are now academic degrees in leadership, reams of Christian books written on leadership, and faculty whose sole role is to teach leadership development.

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