From pantry darkness to marvelous light
♪ Either my pantry is shrinking or my kids are growing. I’m not referring to their caloric intake (though that does involve a pantry shrinkage of a different sort). I’m talking about the tiny pantry space itself, which multi-tasks as our official glow-in-the-dark testing station.

Tenacious faith in grief and sorrow
The bathroom floor seemed an appropriate place for a meltdown. My sympathetic friend waited for me to gather my thoughts. Though separated by a province, we were connected by phone and heart.

Half-finished projects
♪ I was thinking about Adam and Eve while I pushed my wheelbarrow full of dirt and weeds to my discard pile. What was tending the garden like for them?

Taking the slow road
♪ The snow had slowly melted, the sun shone, and the yesteryear’s leaves were brown and crispy, ready to be dislodged from the soon-to-be green lawn. We incentivized the children and sent them off as small conquerors of leafy kingdoms. The first day went well.

The path to joy leads us through adversity
♪ AT THE BEGINNING of this year, I read that DaySpring, the greeting card company, had a Word of the Year Quiz on their website. By selecting a few personal descriptors and Bible verses that resonated with me, I could find a pre-baked, pithy word to construct my life around for the next 365 days (366 with the leap year).

Midwinter Meditations on Scripture’s Sweet Promises
Winter’s first semester was warm, erring on the side of balmy. Albertans tentatively accepted the lingering fall weather, painfully aware they’d been fooled before by the sudden arrival of a tsunamic dump of snow or a frigid pop quiz.

The rules of the game
“16 million,” my son places his rent card on the discard pile. Grandpa’s brow furrows. “How did you get that?” My son points to his colorful wild cards.

The zeal of the Lord
When Phineas witnessed an Israelite blatantly transgressing God’s law for holiness, he acted with righteous passion. God said, “He was as zealous for my honor among [the Israelites] as I am” (Numbers 25:11). And God promised, “He and his descendants will have a covenant of a lasting priesthood, because he was zealous for the honor of his God” (v. 13).

A Bird’s View
Confession: I’m suspicious of most rodents and fowl. I know that my bird-watching friends will be exasperated that I lumped the predator with the prey. I’m not an ornithologist (that’s someone who studies birds … I looked it up), but I do find both species rather erratic. They silently stare at you, then start darting or fluttering at an alarming, instinctual rate.

Our serving Saviour
I’ve known Philippians 2 since I was a tiny human. Familiar and quotable, Christ “humbled himself by becoming obedient to death” and was triumphantly exalted “to the highest place” (vv. 8–9).

A coin collection and ‘divine love’
My son recently started a coin collection. My husband, Zach, who has collected coins since he was a little boy spent time explaining to Creedence how to grade his coins. They flipped through a coin reference book. “That one is almost enough to buy a house!” I exclaimed, hearing the value of a tiny piece of metal.

The Strand on God’s timeline
I called it The Strand. And we were not friends. The Strand arrived unannounced on the top of my head, shiny and unwelcome among the darker occupants. I was unamused.

Piano lessons
Recently, I decided that my two children were ready to learn piano. I sat at the piano with my children beside me. Oh, the painful slowness! I imagine this is how I seem as I struggle with my unbelief.

It started with the zucchinis
I seasonally forget how much time a garden harvest demands from me every summer. Preserving vegetables, making jam, searching for ways to use zucchini. My garden yields enjoyment, but confiscates time.

Prayer is beyond anti-spam legislation
Before I hit delete on an email (which surprisingly even I do on occasion), I first look for the unsubscribe link. As I’ve considered my predicament, I’ve thought about how prayer is beyond legislation.

Our magnificent God, the Creator
As a teenager, I convinced my parents that I should join their 25th wedding anniversary trip. We crossed the ocean with a suitcase full of ventriloquist puppets and landed with astonishment during a protest at the international airport in Bangalore, India.

The scriptural pebbles in my shoe
“Growing up is a big job.” Our young son informed us after a hard day of learning. I get it; I feel the same way sometimes.

Growing in Wisdom
“The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.” (Psalm 19:7b NASB). For months, these words have swirled around in my heart. Comforting assurance that even I can progress from simplicity to wisdom!