No boredom at Paraguayan staff retreat
In the 90s, the EMC missionary staff in Paraguay was numerous and included young families, making each annual retreat a highlight. Since we hadn’t had a retreat for a few years now, and being only a small group, we decided to invite the current and retired EMC missionaries with their kids and grandkids. This idea was met with enthusiasm, so we had a two-day retreat at the end of December 2022. Attendees came from different parts of Paraguay, and even from B.C. It was neat to have a broad range of ages, but especially the younger kids with all the playing, swimming and activities. Their enthusiasm for life was contagious and I don’t think anyone had time to be bored.
Current and retired Paraguayan missionaries gathered for a multi-generational retreat. (Photo supplied)
The goal of this retreat was on reconnecting and recharging, so we didn’t fill the schedule with a lot of programs. However, we did have three sessions where Jerald Schmidt led us in praise and worship. We also watched part of a challenging video series, Driven by Eternity by John Bevere, followed by rewarding discussion. Here are some comments from participants:
Thank you for inviting us. It was a valuable reunion. It was so precious to be able to reconnect with family and friends whom we hadn’t seen for so long or, at least, with whom we couldn’t spend intimate and quality time … an opportunity we would’ve missed if it weren’t for the invitation. We were blessed and had so much fun.
– Faith and Anton Schmidt, with children present: Emily, Jordan, Dylan.
We’re glad we squeezed in a day at the retreat with our whole family, just to see everyone again, to feel the togetherness of the different generations, to laugh, play, talk, relax. The bit of recreation of the traditional talent show was a hit for our family.
– Esther and Benny Goertzen
We enjoyed the idea of including family … appreciated messages by John Bevere and are looking for the book … and thanks for covering the bill!
– Dave and Melanie Schmidt, Zahira, Tiago
The missionary retreat was a great time of relaxation and fellowship. It was great to see how everyone reconnected.
– Rosey and Travis Zacharias, Belen, Zippy, Moi, Paloma
We really enjoyed the time spent at the retreat, reconnecting with the mission family, worshipping, sharing, eating and playing together. A highlight for me was giving my family a taste of the “MK” (missionary kid) experience! Thank you, EMC Missions, for thinking of us and facilitating this event!
– Jerald and Daniela Schmidt, Josia, Anika
It felt like a family get together. It was important to have that “belonging” as kids, and meaningful to reconnect now.
– Gabi (Goertzen) and Hannes Bleeker, Nadine, Evan, Ben
We enjoyed this retreat tremendously, reliving old (and fun) memories and catching up with childhood friends, as well as getting to see the next generation of kids make new ones!
– Cory and Adri Kroeker, Liam, Jonah
It was great to connect with the ones from way back when … plus, I enjoyed the presentations/videos in our sessions … they were good to help deepen our vision/purpose in what the Lord has for us.
– Erna Plett, Josia