Whether going or coming, God is at work
PANSY, Man.—Looking back on 2022, there are many things we could catch up on. We could talk about the parent-child dedication service for six young families in May. Or we might highlight the two baptism services in summer where a total of 15 were baptized: 13 at Joubert Creek near the church while the water was appropriately high and two later at St. Malo where the water level is more stable. Candidates were of various ages, and we pray God’s blessing on each one.
Katya (right), full of joy, hugs Natalia Driedger. (Photo supplied)
Perhaps we could draw attention to the shoe box drive Sheila and Sherry continue to lead so gallantly. Once people get to see the reality, the actual giving process, their passion remains ignited. Last fall we sent over 800 boxes. Or we could discuss the prayers for and the choosing of an associate pastor, Kevin Friesen, which would bring us right into 2023. He came on duty, with a hearty welcome, on January first.
The year began with a hurrah for Jesus as part of a current series of messages. January was also a month of fervent prayer and fasting—a fast that ended with a celebratory all-church prayer meet and communion service—a precious milestone.
Now in February (at the time of this writing) we are in the going and coming mode. Jake and Shelly Rempel are in Cuba delivering gifts with ASSIST CUBA and leading a group of delegates through some leadership changes and more. Dennis Friesen and some friends are in Ensenada, Mexico, working at El Refugio (The Refuge) girls home, restoring portions of a fire-damaged building. A group of 21 from church is joining him now; they will also be building a new home for a pastor and his family—a family desperately in need of a house to call their own. Don’t we sometimes take our own luxuries too much for granted?
February is also our time to rejoice about comings. Yes, refugees from Ukraine—slowly, one by one they keep coming. Trish Braun has been a passionate leader in this work. A current example is Katya (Kate) who has been living with Jon and Judith Driedger while waiting for the safe arrival of her mother and brother coming soon. Their place is ready. Just look at her wide smile in the photo and rejoice with her—she has just been told that her family’s coming has finally been approved. What better way to show her joy than to hug her temporary “sister” Natalia?