The Grace of Vocation
“Stand back,” the guide told me. “Just a little bit further.” I was carefully examining a rich blue shard of stained glass as the midday sun lit up the walls of the magnificent 18th-century manor. We had spent that morning in the workshop of a local artist who explained the nuances of colouring which went into the creation of each piece of glass. I was now looking closely to appreciate the unique tones of this particular piece.

The Power of Vocation
It was a moment of simple joy. You have likely experienced similar moments. Sitting on the grass in the cool shade of a tree, I bit into a fresh peach. It was perfectly ripe. I could smell its rich, fragrant aroma already, before I brought it to my mouth. What a beautiful picture of the way God has designed every aspect of his creation.

The fruit of vocation
Are you fulfilled? We’ve likely all asked ourselves some version of this question about our lives and vocation. Is my life meaningful? Am I doing the right things with my life?

The shape of vocation
Several years ago, in a mountain village of Central Asia, I remember watching a coppersmith craft a ceremonial serving dish. He held the broad metal disc in his hand and turned it around, feeling its weight and texture. He looked at it from various angles, observing how it caught the light.

The gift of vocation
Among the most inspiring experiences in my life, I have had the privilege to be present, on numerous occasions, to observe someone doing something with great joy that they are highly skilled to do.