My little thief
♪ Do you remember the good old days? When we could walk to the corner store, pick up milk, chocolate bars, maybe a new bike? You can’t get away with that anymore. They have surveillance cameras now. Well, theft is no laughing matter.

Leaders gather to learn how to pass on the faith
♪ Steinbach Bible College was pleased to host Dr. Joel Thiessen on March 15–16, 2024, at the annual SBC Leadership Conference. The topic was “Passing the baton: How faith gets passed to the next generation … or not.”

Car Seats, Gluten & Opinionated Bloggers
Never ha the law fallen so hard on me as in motherhood. Never was I more aware that my best wasn’t good enough. If parenting doesn’t drive you to your knees, you’re doing it wrong.

Canadian research examines how parents share faith with their children
How is Christian faith shared from one generation to the next? What help does the local church provide? Parenting Faith, the 245-page report released on April 11, 2023, presents the findings of this uniquely Canadian research that identifies what helps and hinders the transmission of faith from this generation of parents to their children.

Parent them into the kingdom
How much does one say to an eighteen-year-old about choices? My tendency is to say very little, until I shouldn’t say anything, and then I say a lot. But three things I heard lately make me wonder.