EMC missionaries share about media ministry
Media is one way some EMC missionaries minister: from radio work to filming projects, from social media campaigns to audio recordings distributed by WhatsApp.
On April 19, 2022, EMCers who gathered on Zoom to pray had the privilege of hearing from two of these missionaries.
Alex Reimer, with his new wife Miriam, is a part of a small team in Northern Ireland creating films designed to stir people to ask life’s biggest questions. Having only recently relocated to Northern Ireland, they are building relationships with their church, neighbourhood, and the Northern Irish film community with the desire to embody the Gospel as they work on their projects. Their next project, Generous Illusion, is underway.
Alex and Miriam Reimer, Ester Fehr and children
Alex requested prayer for him and Miriam as they navigate their first year of marriage, and for the Generous Illusionproject.
You can find Alex’s work at www.soulcatalyst.org and on the Soul Catalyst YouTube channel.
Ester Fehr, an EMC missionary working in Bolivia, continues in the radio work she and her late husband Benny took on with their arrival in Bolivia around three years ago. Their two radio stations, San Jose and Nueva Estrella, reach into a number of Low German-speaking Mennonite colonies, and serve as one of only a few ways to build connections into a colony.
Between radio ministry and family connections, Ester has many opportunities in the colonies and spends a significant amount of time in visitation. These colonies are often spiritually dark places with much abuse and hopelessness.
Nearly a year has passed since Benny’s death, and the family continues to grieve as they adjust and face different challenges.
Ester requested prayer for the people on the colony to truly grasp and understand God’s salvation for them, for the Christian families that remain in the colonies because they do not have the means to leave, for the radio work, and for her and her kids as they grieve and as she parents them on her own.
The next missions prayer meeting is coming up on June 28, 2022. This evening will have a focus on missionaries doing mission in a business setting, including mission aviation. You are invited to join us online or in person at our office in Steinbach; register at www.emconference.ca/pray or by calling the EMC office at 204-326-6401.