Singleness: Finding Wholeness in the Midst of Disappointment and Loss
Feature Stephanie Fast Feature Stephanie Fast

Singleness: Finding Wholeness in the Midst of Disappointment and Loss

I grew up as a missionary kid in Pakistan. We had a jungle gym in our backyard and, very often, my sister and I would sit on the swings and play a game in which we would imagine we were grown up and living out the most ideal life we could think of: we were missionaries in the Peruvian jungle, with about 10 kids each. We homeschooled our kids and were, of course, the perfect missionary families.

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Living on the Word of God Alone
Feature Darcy Sproule Feature Darcy Sproule

Living on the Word of God Alone

Have you ever seen a vehicle where the dash in front of the driver is full of papers or books? It has scraps of notes, receipts, work sheets from a project or any other such thing cluttering up the top of the dash.

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Church Renewal: Can These Bones Live?
Feature Dr. Terry Hiebert Feature Dr. Terry Hiebert

Church Renewal: Can These Bones Live?

It started with a Bible study. Young families sensed God moving in revival. The good news of salvation in Jesus transformed their lives. Bible studies formed to discover the meaning of new life in Christ. Still, their church remained traditional and legalistic.

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Swords Into Plowshares
Feature Peter Fehr Feature Peter Fehr

Swords Into Plowshares

He will judge between many peoples and will settle disputes for strong nations far and wide. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore (Micah 4:3; Isaiah 2:4).

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Caregivers Need Care Too!
Feature Gary Giesbrecht Feature Gary Giesbrecht

Caregivers Need Care Too!

The COVID-19 pandemic has been with us over a year. Since it began, we have been living under a constant diet of change with an overriding emotion of fear. Provincial and federal governments have mandated restrictions in hope of containing the virus, affecting every sector of society.

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From Languishing to Looking Toward the Eternal
Feature Arlene Friesen Feature Arlene Friesen

From Languishing to Looking Toward the Eternal

Looking back at March 2020, the coming pandemic had just shut things down in Manitoba, as in many other places. All of us were grappling with our new reality—loss of work or working remotely, virtual schooling, online church, physical contact with very limited individuals, a relentless news cycle and the accompanying anxiety.

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Learning to Receive
Feature Kevin Wiebe Feature Kevin Wiebe

Learning to Receive

The familiar ding rang out from my computer notifying me of a new email. I went to check it and discovered an email money transfer, sent at an unexpected time from a very unexpected source.

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The Significance of Names
Feature Paul Thiessen Feature Paul Thiessen

The Significance of Names

Knowing the name of something helps us to appreciate it more. Learning the name of a plant or animal or star increases our curiosity about it and leads to further discoveries about God’s creation.

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Same-Sex Sex and Romans 1
Feature James Driedger Feature James Driedger

Same-Sex Sex and Romans 1

Despite the fact that Paul only addressed same-sex sex indirectly in Romans 1, his words should continue to play a magisterial role in shaping our Christian sexual ethic…

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