Hermeneutical Fallacies and Sexuality
If the purpose of hermeneutics is to bridge the gap between the mind of the biblical writer and our own understanding of the text, we must confess that we come to scripture with a particular set of lenses.

A Biblical Theology of Human Sexuality
Historically we have often struggled to respond to the changing culture around us and fled rather than engaging it with biblical principles.

Being Christian in a Secular Society
When you take the CTrain from downtown Calgary to Ambrose University, the last building you see before the train heads to its underground stop is a mosque.

Earthly Disruptions or God-Given Opportunities
Disruptions of our regular daily routines are inconvenient and often uncomfortable.

A Time to Laugh and a Time to Speak: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
In this most famous passage of Ecclesiastes, Solomon (or was it The Byrds?) tells us “there is a time for everything.”

When Christians Refuse to Die
Some Christians are willing to die rather than kill. Regrettably too many are not.

Examining My Privilege
Many adults will remember what they were most excited to do when they reached the age of majority.

A Christian Does Christian Things
An old bit of Christian wisdom that is being sorely tested in this pandemic says, you become what you make a habit of.

Following Christ with Children in the Church
Many churches struggle with what to do with their children when they are in church, and yet mourn the exodus of youth and young adults. How do we both have and keep children in church?

The Sneaky Snare of Shame
It is dangerous to discover who you are. Despite all the modern cultural notions we hear about people going on a quest to, “find themselves,” seeing the reflection of one’s identity is a difficult and dangerous prospect that’s fraught with pain.

Examine the Day
As a boy, I picked raspberries for several summers. Whenever I had filled a flat with fruit, the farmer would weigh it on a balance scale to discern two truths: the truth of how much I had picked and the truth that I had not hidden rocks or dirt clods under the berries.

The Path of Hope
There is a short Old Testament phrase that I have found intriguing during these past weeks of this global pandemic.

Paraguay: Old News? Not When Christ is at Work in New Ways!
Paraguay is not a strong tourist destination. It is often overshadowed by surrounding, bigger, and more noteworthy countries when describing beauty, progress and peoples.

Accept One Another
The apostle Paul figured he could be “all things to all people” (1 Cor. 9:22). So, who is Paul for the EM Conference today and in its mission to advance Christ’s kingdom culture?

To My EMC Family: Thank You and a Few Suggestions
Dear EMC family, these unusual times, combined with an online course on missionary care I’ve been taking during lock-down in Eastern Europe, have meant a lot of introspection.

Women in Leadership: Hearing Fears and Offering Thoughts
In 2016 the General Board undertook to collect data and opinions from all EMC church leaderships regarding their views and practices pertaining to “women in leadership” in their local churches.

The Church Wide and the Church Narrow
To be simply Christian is to belong to the Church of Jesus Christ. This is a great mystery.

What it Means to Read the Bible Like the Apostles
We often hear that the Bible divides the Church.

Food Banks and COVID: Generosity in a Time of Concern
Since I started my job working for Many Rooms Church Community in October 2019, one of my regular tasks has been to help an elderly woman named Terry access the food bank.

The Most Critical Text for Today’s Disciples
There are a number of critical texts in which disciples of Jesus in our time would do well to inhabit.