Hermeneutical Fallacies and Sexuality
Feature Darryl G. Klassen Feature Darryl G. Klassen

Hermeneutical Fallacies and Sexuality

If the purpose of hermeneutics is to bridge the gap between the mind of the biblical writer and our own understanding of the text, we must confess that we come to scripture with a particular set of lenses.

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The Sneaky Snare of Shame
Feature Kevin Wiebe Feature Kevin Wiebe

The Sneaky Snare of Shame

It is dangerous to discover who you are. Despite all the modern cultural notions we hear about people going on a quest to, “find themselves,” seeing the reflection of one’s identity is a difficult and dangerous prospect that’s fraught with pain.

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Examine the Day
Feature Dr. Andrew Dyck Feature Dr. Andrew Dyck

Examine the Day

As a boy, I picked raspberries for several summers. Whenever I had filled a flat with fruit, the farmer would weigh it on a balance scale to discern two truths: the truth of how much I had picked and the truth that I had not hidden rocks or dirt clods under the berries.

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The Path of Hope
Feature Andy Woodworth Feature Andy Woodworth

The Path of Hope

There is a short Old Testament phrase that I have found intriguing during these past weeks of this global pandemic.

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Accept One Another
Feature James Driedger Feature James Driedger

Accept One Another

The apostle Paul figured he could be “all things to all people” (1 Cor. 9:22). So, who is Paul for the EM Conference today and in its mission to advance Christ’s kingdom culture?

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