Young adults retreat to gain connection
At the beginning of March, a group of 90-plus young adults met together at Red Rock Bible Camp in the Whiteshell region of Manitoba for a weekend of connecting with God and other EMC young adults.
(Photos by Brayden Schinkel)
On Friday evening, as the group gathered for their first session, the chapel was a buzz with voices as the group played games and spent time singing together.
Voices then quieted as James Driedger challenged us to understand that faith development always includes times of construction, deconstruction and reconstruction. As we take more ownership in the faith we learned as children, there are certain elements that we need to adjust and grow in our understanding. While this time of deconstruction is normal it is not the end goal. Reconstruction and growth in our relationship with Jesus is always the end goal.
The rest of the evening was spent skating, playing games, eating and there was an abundance of laughter.
Saturday morning included a choice of seminars that covered recognizing God’s call, some practical steps for navigating a challenging world, and finding your place in the community of faith.
The afternoon was beautiful, and the weather gave great reason to spend time outside, skiing, tubing, playing broom ball, or just meeting new people.
As we gathered for the evening session, the group seemed different. Friday evening seemed like many groups gathering together; Saturday evening felt like one large group. As we worshipped together, there was an enthusiasm and expectancy for God to move. As the group discussed and processed that evening’s message, there were many significant discussions and conversations that took place. It was so encouraging to see young adults wrestling through the ways that God was calling them to serve and live their lives.
Sunday concluded with a morning worship time before everyone headed home. It was so good to see the interaction and engagement that came from this group.
A big thank you to the group of Region 8 youth pastors that planned and led the event. I am excited to see the ways that God is bringing and will continue to bring spiritual growth and vitality to our local churches through the young adults of the EMC.