Passing The Baton: How faith get passed to the next generation… or not.
I grew up in Winnipeg until I was sixteen years old. I begin with two brief stories of this formative period that are illustrative of the themes we will explore at the 2024 Leadership Conference to be held at Steinbach Bible College on March 15–16.

Inquiring minds: a selection of Q&A from the SBC Leadership Conference 2023
SBC Leadership Conference 2023 speakers respond to questions such as, “How do we go about determining the essentials versus the non-essentials? The gospel is to unite us, but how do we define the gospel?“

Church unity in a polarized world
It would be a gross understatement to say we live in an age of division. One only needs to look at world events, read the national or international news, or observe the tone in their own community and networks to see that division and polarization dominate.

What (or Who) makes for Christian unity?
What makes for Christian unity? It is my contention here that it is allegiance to lesser gods—including ourselves—that is at the heart of our divisions; therefore, the remedy is being de-centered by and oriented toward Jesus. This is the message of John’s Gospel.

Unity in a time of crisis: a Torah perspective
Can the gospel still unite the church at a time when ideological and theological factions are intensifying? I have no doubt it can, but it doesn’t have to. Let me explain what I mean by examining three texts found in the Torah: the Shema Israel (Deuteronomy 6:4–5), the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1–17; Deuteronomy 5:6–21), and the creation account (Genesis 1–3).

Undivided: Could the good news still unite the church today?
Three speakers with diverse tastes in coffee joined Terry Hiebert at Steinbach Bible College for a conversation around two questions. What are some of the key issues creating disunity in the church today? What do you think your perspective will bring to this conversation?

Shigematsu explores how love releases from shame
Shame is one of the most universal human experiences. Whether we are young or old, students or teachers, leaders or followers, all of us can identify with the sting of failure. For many pastors and ministry leaders this season of division and loss has brought with it deep feelings of inadequacy and exhaustion. How do we combat the feeling in our souls that we aren’t enough, or that we don’t measure up?

The Most Critical Text for Today’s Disciples
There are a number of critical texts in which disciples of Jesus in our time would do well to inhabit.