EMC Project Builders golf tournaments: putting the fun in fundraiser
Want to have a fun way of raising some funds for a good cause? Come on out and participate in the Project Builders golf fundraisers! In June 2024, events took place in Steinbach, Man., and La Crete, Alta., together raising over $60,000.

Zambia project completed!
This past March, we were able to finally complete a project in Livingstone, Zambia, that had been planned since before the pandemic. In just four days, with the help of a five-person team from a church in Virginia, USA (two men and three women), and some local people, we managed to build two shelters and complete three double toilet structures at several of the Open Schools Worldwide project locations there.

Refugees focus of Project Builders event
EMC Project Builders (PB) has been around for over 50 years but in 2024, for the first time, the PB held a dessert fundraiser rather than the usual annual general meeting.

A ‘glass half full’ approach to development
Despite the amount of resources mobilized for local development, progress remains insignificant and unsustainable in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in general and in Mennonite churches in particular. Concerned about this situation, with funding from Project Builders and AIMM donors, AIMM organized a training seminar on the Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) approach.

Golfers raise over $43,000 for Project Builders ventures
The EMC Project Builders 29th annual golf tournament took place on June 15, 2023. The Texas Scramble (best ball) style tournament raised over $43,000 for this year’s projects as 135 golfers enjoyed the beautiful weather and camaraderie on the course and over lunch.

EMC Project Builders raises nearly $40,000
On June 16, 2022, EMC Project Builders held their 28th annual golf tournament. The weather was good, the camaraderie was excellent and, best of all, nearly $40,000 was raised to support several ministry projects.

Why Project Builders Matters
Many people sitting in the pews at EMC churches (or watching online) may not be aware of the existence of an organization called EMC Project Builders. So, if you haven’t heard of it, you’re not alone—but you may be missing out!
Three church building projects in Nicaragua, a garden tractor to be used in South Sudan, and ICYA building renovations in Winnipeg—these are the projects benefiting from fundraising by EMC Project Builders at its 24th anniversary golf tournament on June 24, 2018.