What do church plants need?
The EMC currently has 11 church plants and outreaches across Canada, defined as being roughly in their first 10 years of existence or receiving subsidy from the conference. Let me introduce you to these churches and their pastors/leaders.

An ‘egg’-cellent gift this Christmas
Chickens are one option that Canadians may choose to give to people around the world this Christmas by purchasing them from MCC’s Christmas Giving guide. Canadians who buy chickens—$13 buys enough for two families—will have their gifts doubled, up to $33,000 by generous donors.

Giving Tuesday: Reza and Bahar
After being challenged by a friend who was a new believer to read the Gospels, Reza concluded that if he was questioning the Koran, he should do the same for the Gospels—also “one of those religious books that is probably full of lies.”

Homemade lollipops and unmerited favour
Bzzz. Bzzz. The dog barked her warning that someone was at the door. It was just about 10 at night—acceptable here in our host country where many are eating dinner at this hour. Because I was already getting ready to end the day, my husband ran down the stairs to answer.

EMC Posts Preliminary Financial Results
There has been much uncertainty in our world in the past two years, fueled by the pandemic and the various opinions on how society ought to deal with it. Considering this uncertainty, the General Board requested a reduction in the EMC budget for the 2021 fiscal year.

Giving Tuesday: Canadian Church Planting
Thank you for supporting church planting in Canada! EMC’s Giving Tuesday initiative allowed us to replenish our Seed and Growth Funds by nearly $10,000. We trust you enjoyed hearing from several church planters in the videos shared on EMC social media platforms.