Missionary missteps: even missionaries make mistakes when stepping into unfamiliar territory
These missionaries remind us that no matter how competent and prepared we are, we will make mistakes when we step out, and that’s okay.

The influx of immigrants— a burden or an opportunity?
Today, Canadians only have to go as far as the local grocery store or visit a shopping mall to encounter people of several different races. Believers are God’s ambassadors whether they cross the world to other countries or simply cross the street.

NOT all the same
How quickly and naturally we generalize people. Today, as more newcomers are coming to Canada it is easy to do the same—to lump them into one singular group, as if they were all the same.

A tale of two Trudys
Trudy wasn’t hired as a cross-cultural trainer to explain work orders and million-dollar test equipment to people who don’t understand English, but she’s good at it. It cuts into her own productivity, but she is endlessly patient—well, nearly.

Maybe self-sufficiency isn’t the goal
Let me introduce you to my new home. It’s a city where roses bloom in the winter and some trees stay green all year.