Awesome KidMin Conference 2024 participants are anchored in community
“PEOPLING IS HARD,” said main speaker Connie Jakab at the first session of Awesome KidMin Conference 2024. And, she said, “It’s gotten even harder post-COVID.” Yet Ecclesiastes 4:9–12 emphasizes the importance of community.

What do church plants need?
The EMC currently has 11 church plants and outreaches across Canada, defined as being roughly in their first 10 years of existence or receiving subsidy from the conference. Let me introduce you to these churches and their pastors/leaders.

Why do we have a Conference of churches? Some say it’s because of missions; we work together to make disciples and plant churches. Some pastors, missionaries, and evangelists emphasize this. Yet, at best, it’s only partly right. We are a conference because of Jesus—a person, not a task.