Editorial: ‘Lord, help my unbelief!’
My skepticism was triggered immediately; it felt like an uncontrollable reflex. That was my reaction when reading this testimony from Jeremy and Adrienne Penner’s October newsletter: “My health was slowly deteriorating, and so I went to the hospital. The doctor found a large tumor in my abdomen and told me they would need to operate.… I didn't know a lot about Jesus yet, but I began to pray that he would heal my illness.… When I went back to the doctor for my scheduled operation, there was absolutely no sign of the tumor!”

Poem: Where is the peace on earth?
sleepless she slumps in tears
on the couch peers
through the blinds
a street lamp her only light
where is the light for her soul?
where is forgiveness?

Memories of a ‘CHRISTSAM’ past
Always first were the grade ones and twos who did the Christmas acrostic. Margaret was first and she boldly held out the C. “C is for the Christ child, born that morn so long ago,” she said crisply. The concert was off to a fine start. Harold was next, and during practice, he had had some difficulties with his line which was simply, “H is for King Herod who slew the Hebrew boys.” Harold looked confident.

Two kings, two kingdoms
The Pax Romana was a phrase coined by perhaps the most successful authority figure in world history. Directly translated it means the “Roman peace,” and it was a phrase dreamt up and made common by Caesar Augustus, the first and by most considered the greatest Augustan emperor of the renowned Roman Empire.

Cataclysms and Christmas Cheer
The salvation God provides in Jesus (whose name means Deliverer) is the fulfillment of the Scriptures, but it is not the final chapter of this great story nor is it the first. In Noah’s flood, much earlier in the biblical timeline, we see another powerful account of divine intervention to save.

An unforgettable Christmas
The most unforgettable Christmas for me and my family was Christmas of 1972. Just two and a half months earlier, Hilda and I with our two young sons had made the 5,000-mile trip from Swift Current, Saskatchewan, to the fascinating Republic of Nicaragua, our new home and mission field. We had just settled into a unique house in Jinotepe and were trying hard to befriend our neighbours and learn to communicate in Spanish.

Advent 2022: The candle of light
Today we light the final candle of Advent. This candle represents light.

The Passion of Jesus at Christmas
Jesus didn’t come as a conquering hero. He didn’t arrive as a man of strength, with an army on his right and left. He was born into this world as a baby.

Advent 2022: The candle of joy
In Mark 6, we encounter a king who is experiencing the absence of true joy. Herod is selfish, lustful, and distressed. The result of this foolishness is the death of John.

Advent 2022: The candle of love
Today is the third Sunday of Advent. We light the candle representing love. The love chapter (1 Corinthians 13) is a lofty, impossible challenge to fulfill without the enabling of the God who is love.

Joseph disappears
Nobody would call Joseph the “father of God.” Obviously. That would be blasphemy. But I still think about Joseph.

An ‘egg’-cellent gift this Christmas
Chickens are one option that Canadians may choose to give to people around the world this Christmas by purchasing them from MCC’s Christmas Giving guide. Canadians who buy chickens—$13 buys enough for two families—will have their gifts doubled, up to $33,000 by generous donors.

Advent 2022: The candle of peace
Advent reading for the second week: lighting the candle of peace.

Christmas crossword answers
Answers for the Christmas crossword on page 16 of the Nov/Dec 2022 issue.