Review of “Sticky Faith Innovation: How Your Compassion, Creativity, and Courage Can Support Teenagers’ Lasting Faith”
Books (and More) Mitchell Martens Books (and More) Mitchell Martens

Review of “Sticky Faith Innovation: How Your Compassion, Creativity, and Courage Can Support Teenagers’ Lasting Faith”

Reviewed by Mitchell Martens, associate pastor of youth at Blumenort Community Church.
I’ve been a youth pastor for a little while, and it can sometimes feel like I’m in a rut. Year after year goes by, and things more-or-less stay the same. For me, this is sometimes discouraging, but it can feel overwhelming to think about how we might change things up. How can we be sure that something new will actually work? How can we know our changes will do what we hope they will?

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Review of Deeper than African Soil
Books (and More) Doris Penner Books (and More) Doris Penner

Review of Deeper than African Soil

Faith Eidse’s memoir is essentially a coming-of-age story, but what makes it unique is the backdrop of growing up in Africa with intermittent periods spent “back home” in Manitoba. Her childhood and teenage years encapsulate experiences seldom faced by children in Canadian culture.

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