Psalm 145 / 21 = 14
The math of Psalm 145 according to Abbeydale Christian Fellowship may leave some readers perplexed … but like the Ethiopian eunuch’s confusion, it can be explained. Apparently, Calgary is home to people of 240 different ethnic origins, speaking 120 different languages. ACF is home to at least 17 different ethnic origins, and at least 30 different languages. Dividing the 21 verses of Psalm 145 amongst 14 of ACF’s various language speakers, each reading a few verses on our Multicultural Sunday, held on June 25, accounts for our unusual but correct math equation (according to ACF demographics).
Planned by the missions committee, Multicultural Sunday began with a short travelogue of the EMC’s various churches/church plants representing or serving other cultures and a quick review of ACF’s supported outreach and missions efforts. A highlight of the morning was meeting the Christian Afghani refugee family (via video) for whom ACF is diligently raising funds to sponsor and bring to Calgary.
The diversity potluck following the service was a culinary trip around the world. Appropriately representing Canada, complete with flags, were Tim Horton’s doughnuts. Cultural attire, regularly visible at ACF, added to the colourful celebration.
The take-home: People of other cultures who need to hear of Jesus are coming to Canada, to communities in Calgary and to ACF. Like Phillip with the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8:26–40, Christians need to be ready to explain the Word of God to those who cannot understand.
To experience a little taste of what heaven will be like when people from around the world worship the Lamb together, readers can watch the June 25, 2023, service on Abbeydale Christian Fellowship’s YouTube channel.
Long weekends and lanterns
Two young ACF moms, seeing a need and recognizing opportunity, teamed up with a few volunteers from Child Evangelism Fellowship to provide a fantastic five-day club fun for children ages five to 12 during the week of July 31–August 4. The children were challenged in many ways and grew spiritually through games, crafts, memory verses, stories and songs.
May their crafted lanterns remind them that Jesus is the light of the world and the soft sound of their bamboo wind chimes tinkling in the breeze remind them to be sensitive to the gentle sound of the Spirit.
A poll conducted amongst a small group of the attendees revealed their scoring of crafts, snacks, games, Bible lessons and songs to be an approximate average of nine out of ten overall. The children who were polled had daily been anxiously ready to leave home for club much earlier than necessary.
Fortunately, the children of ACF and the surrounding community will not need to wait until next summer for another opportunity to gather again and mature with their peers in a similar manner. Beginning in September, after several years of not conducting a planned weekly children’s club ministry, there will be a new ACF children’s club ministry start-up which aims to bless and give spiritual guidance to each child who attends.