Council approves release of Aberdeen, 2023 budget of 1.8M
Conference Council members met virtually and in person at Braeside EMC in Winnipeg on November 26, 2022. Braeside pastor Dan Cormie opened the meeting by reminding members that Jesus is described in John 1:14 as being full of grace and truth. When we err on either side, we’re going on “adventures in missing the point.”
General Board
The General Board reported that the EMC Festival 2023 will take place June 2–4 in Rosenort, Man. (Region 6 hosting).
The EMC Indigenous Ministry Committee has made some recommendations. Churches are encouraged to “tell [the committee] your stories of what you are doing and what you have been doing.”
Pastor Dan Cormie opens the meeting with a devotional based on John 1:14. (Rebecca Roman)
“On a more sombre note,” Moderator Abe Bergen then read a letter from Aberdeen EMC requesting release from membership in the EMC. Bergen responded to meeting attendees from Aberdeen, “We’re sorry to see you go, but as you go, we want to bless you and trust that you will find resonance and meaningful relationships within MC Manitoba and … meaningful ministry in that context.” Council members passed the motion to release Aberdeen from EMC membership. Bergen prayed a blessing over Aberdeen.
Vice-Moderator Darren Plett gave an overview of staffing changes within the EMC national office. Five of six director positions have recently undergone transition. Erica Fehr began as Director of Communications and Administration in January, Mo Friesen was hired as Director of Next Generation (a new position) and Andy Woodworth as Conference Pastor; both will begin in January 2023. Emery Plett will begin as Executive Director in July 2023. Rolf Kruse served several months as interim Director of Global Outreach; the Personnel Committee is recruiting for a permanent DGO.
Abe Bergen introduced proposed constitutional changes to the ministerial definition. At the June 2022 Council meeting, two options were presented but delegates preferred a hybrid of the two. The current recommendation reflects that third option. Under this proposal, “when a decision will establish EMC theology or morality, the decision reached by discussion will be ratified by a vote of credentialed ministers. Congregations that do not have any credentialed ministers may delegate one representative to vote.”
The document also seeks to clarify the process of commissioning, credentialing and ordination of church leaders. In summary, the church commissions a leader, the Conference (through the Board of Leadership and Outreach) credentials a leader, and the Conference and the church together ordains a leader.
Discussion included:
A question about what the quorum is—this is not currently defined.
What is the difference between credentialing and ordination? Credentialing means a person can participate in the decision-making of the Conference Ministerial at all levels. Ordination is an office by which a congregation sets a person aside for life-long ministry.
A recommendation was made to remove the sentence requiring Ministerial to affirm the appointment of the Conference Pastor, and instead, stipulate that the Personnel Committee involve Ministerial members in the search process.
Aren’t we redefining what a minister is? That would make this a theological decision that should be handled by the Ministerial rather than Council. This document is to determine how various church leaders will make decisions together at the Conference level.
How do we deal with the fact that some (likely larger) churches will have more influence over Ministerial decisions? Yes, some churches will have more influence because they have more credentialed leaders. But the alternative is that some churches, like those in pastoral transition, wouldn’t have a vote. This is not okay—each church needs a voice.
With the amendment to remove the point on the Ministerial affirmation for the Conference Pastor, the document was motioned, seconded and tabled.
Board of Trustees
BOT Vice-Chair Andrew Kampen noted that the year-to-date shortfall is just under $34,000 as of November 22, 2022. They anticipate that 2022 will be a surplus year. The BOT is implementing a budget reserve policy to deal with how EMC handles both surplus and shortfall. After hearing an overview of the budget, delegates voted to approve EMC’s 1.8M budget for 2023.
‘Little Did We Know’
Vice-Moderator Darren Plett hosted this quiz game to help delegates get to know some of EMC’s new staff members. “Fun facts” presented included:
Emery Plett, Executive Director
He’s had three knee surgeries
He likes the number nine—birthday, month and year all have a nine
He lived overseas two times for a year each time
Mo Friesen, Director Next Generation
He spoke Spanish before he spoke English
He has built his own guitar
He won first place in a lip-sync competition in high school
Peter Doerksen, Western Ambassador
He has flown and landed a small plane
He took dancing lessons
He played the role of “Mr. Mom” while his wife went to work. Their youngest was 17 months old at the time
Andy Woodworth, Conference Pastor
He took a hiatus from pastoral work to train and work as an air traffic controller
He won a Dodge Nitro through a free draw by Dodge Canada at a car show
He once performed a wedding live on a local radio station
Board of Missions
BOM Chair Phil Hamm encouraged delegates to download the PrayerMate app to pray for our missionaries.
Joanne Martens described her experience on a prayer team to Paraguay, saying they were “welcome and well-fed wherever [they] went.”
Calvin Tiessen, EMC associate missionary in Albania, said missionaries from Guatemala are receiving training to serve in the Middle East. Albania, an atheist country with a Muslim background, provides a strategic location for training. While the history of Western Christianity’s atrocities in the name of Christ is a barrier to ministry among Muslims, missionaries from other parts of the world are finding open doors.
Board of Leadership and Outreach
Outgoing BLO Chair Andy Woodworth reported that the BLO is updating the pastor salary guidelines and is working on a pastoral ethics covenant, which it hopes to release in spring 2023.
Peter Doerksen described his new role as EMC Western Ambassador. He will serve quarter-time as a goodwill ambassador for EMC churches in Regions 1 and 2.
Church Planting Task Force
CPTF Chair Glenn Plett reminded delegates that, at their June 2022 meeting, one-third of them gave an enthusiastic “yes” to planting ten churches by 2030, another third gave a more reserved “yes,” and the final third said we should aim for five. Nobody said “we should just maintain what we have.”
Abe Penner, church planter at Gospel Light Fellowship in Redcliff, Alta., said planting a church in Bow Island meant they lost leaders and members. Gospel Light is trying to find their place in the community and what forward looks like; there are many needs in the church. He encouraged delegates to ask themselves how they can help.
Board of Church Ministries
EMC national office staff members Ruth Block and Erica Fehr sport swag from The Armchair Anabaptist podcast.
BCM Chair Sarah Barkman said the BCM’s focus seems to be a “set of random puzzle pieces.” They oversee the EMC archives, children’s ministry, the National Youth Committee and publish The Messenger and Growing Together.
Jordan Doerksen reported remotely for the National Youth Committee. The NYC is planning Abundant Springs to be held May 19–22, 2023. The committee is excited about what the Director Next Generation appointment means for youth ministry in the EMC.
Delegates viewed a promotional video for EMC’s new podcast, The Armchair Anabaptist, hosted by Kevin Wiebe and Jesse Penner. The podcast’s first season will focus on loving our enemies and will begin releasing in January 2023. More information can be found at
“Because of COVID,” said EMC Director of Communications and Administration Erica Fehr, “we never held a book launch” for the EMC history book Circling the Globe by Doris Penner. Penner then read an excerpt of the book. Copies can be purchased online at
Moderator Abe Bergen thanked delegates “for your interest—your participation” saying he trusted the meeting has been valuable. He asked delegates to share meeting highlights with their churches. Vice-Moderator Darren Plett closed in prayer.