Afghan refugee family finds safety in Landmark
HCC surrounds the Hakimi family during a time of prayer. (Photo supplied)
LANDMARK, Man.—July 21, 2022, was a very special day for the Refugee Sponsorship Committee from Heartland Community Church (HCC). On that day, after over a year of processing, an Afghan refugee family of five arrived in Winnipeg and was settled in their new home in Landmark.
The Majid Hakimi family left Afghanistan in fear of their lives. After many months of moving from one country to another, they found their way to the refugee camp in Lesbos, Greece. Here they met Christian NGO workers and were introduced to the Christian faith. They embraced their walk with God and were active in helping minister to needs within the camp. It was here Arley and Janice Loewen met the family through a discipleship training program.
When we at HCC expressed interest in sponsoring a Christian Afghan family, the Hakimi family was suggested.Moving their application through all the proper immigration channels was a challenge made more difficult during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and was also affected by the emergency rush of Ukrainian refugees this summer. The application was processed through the Mennonite Central Committee who helped guide us through the numerous forms and documents required.
The Sunday after their arrival the family was introduced to the church and given a hearty welcome. It is a special blessing to see the family connect with the church and enjoy the fellowship of believers.