My little thief
Inviting Faith, Column Phil Callaway Inviting Faith, Column Phil Callaway

My little thief

♪ Do you remember the good old days? When we could walk to the corner store, pick up milk, chocolate bars, maybe a new bike? You can’t get away with that anymore. They have surveillance cameras now. Well, theft is no laughing matter.

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Why we need young men in children’s ministry
Inviting Faith, Column Ruth Konrad Inviting Faith, Column Ruth Konrad

Why we need young men in children’s ministry

♪ ALEX IS THE boy nobody wants in their class. He’s in grade two and has seemingly limitless energy and zero attention span. His comments and questions are never on topic, and everybody is convinced that he is learning nothing. He’s usually facing away from the teacher, making faces or jokes as they try to teach, and the end of the year is a relief because he is finally somebody else’s problem.

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