The Messenger

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The Messenger Index: 2014


Churches and public relations (January)

Looking at the Order of Service (February)

Moving beyond Anabaptist dis(May) (March)

A Re-affirmation of Evangelicalism? (April)

Don’t feel connected to the Conference? (May)

Strengths of Anabaptist ministry (June)

Wondering about licensing and S.S. materials? (July)

Will your church’s voice be pivotal? (August)

What key teaching tools does your church use? (September)

The general budget reflects on us (October)

SBC and our local churches (November)

Let’s educate on the Church! (December)


Archival materials being readied for Winnipeg (April)

The Archives Committee races against time (April)

Anabaptists and Baptists: Centuries of Common Ground (November)


A Wondrous Cross, Olga Nahnybida (May)

A pastor’s plea: learn from Rip Van Winkle (August)

Consider a service vacation (September)

Moving beyond competition and distinctions, L. Marie Enns (November)


The Church and Social Justice: Plumbers and Engineers

Needed, Dr. Pierre Gilbert (January)

Should we rethink parent-child dedications? Terry M. Smith (January)

The New Evangelical Way of (Not) Arguing, Dr. John Stackhouse (January)

Returning to the Practice of Confession, Heidi Dirks (February)

Can I give you a hug? Angeline Schellenberg (February)

The Gospel according to Moses: A Fresh Look at Deuteronomy, Dr. Dan Block (February)

God’s Mission: creating a people for himself, Travis Thiessen (March)

Why Church? Pastor Dwight Munn (March)

The primary activity of God, Ervin C. Dueck (March)

God’s Love: The Story of Good Friday, Russell Doerksen (April)

The Dance of the Resurrection, Bryon Bezanson (April)

‘Bless the LORD, O My Soul,’ Dan Epp-Tiessen (April)

Young Adults: Livin’ the Good Life, Boggs and Goertzen (May)

How Can God Have a Son? Dr. Arley Loewen (May)

Will Our Children Have Faith? Maurice Martin (May)

Lessons From the Goats, D. Merrill Ewert (June)

Sowing Seeds or Tossing Nutshells, Andrew Dyck (June)

Where Do Anabaptist Churches Find Hope? John D. Roth (June)

Postmodernism in the Classroom: How It Undermines Biblical Values, Michael Zwaagstra (July)

Block: The Gospel According to Moses Shatters Preconceived Notions, Debbie Funk (July)

Menno Simons wasn’t an Anabaptist, Terry M. Smith (July)

Who am I? Dr. Richard Showalter (August)

Soul-searching leads pastor to take radical journey with Jesus, Laurie Oswald Robinson (August)

Introspección lleva a pastor a emprender viaje radical con Jesús, Laurie Oswald Robinson (August)

‘Run With Hope’ across Paraguay a great success, Albert Martens (August)

Encounter with God: from the bush to the mountain, Dr. Richard Showalter (September)

The Church: to give life to our communities, Jerry Plett (September)

Identity: the journey of a third culture kid, Charis Elaine Kehler (September)

Thoughts of a Commuter, George Nickel (October)

IN2014: Becoming a whole body, Angeline Schellenberg (October)

Surprises Never Stop: God’s Connections, Dr. Richard Showalter (October)

We Are That Mountain! Dr. Richard Showalter (November)

Should We Read The Bible In Church? Patrick Friesen (November)

Paul, The Athenians, And Our Encounters, Mark von Kampen (November)

And the Word Became Flesh and Lived Among Us, Dr. Karl Koop (December)

Why It’s Worth Waiting for Christmas, Andrew Krahn (December)

What Did Christmas Used to Mean? Russell Doerksen (December)


A Heart for Israel (February)

My messy Bible (March)


Birch River (May), (July)

Braeside (April), (November)

Creighton (May)

Crestview (January), (February), (June). (November)

Endeavour (October)

EFC Steinbach (March)

Good News (October)

Grande Prairie (April)

Heartland (April), (June), (July), (December)

High Level (August)

Hillside (May)

Kleefeld (January), (October), (December) (two)

Kola (February), (October)

La Crete (February)

Many Rooms (August)

Mennville (October)

Morweena (January), (February)

New Life (October)

Pansy (May)

Pelly (July), (August)

Picture Butte (July), (October)

Pleasant Valley (January), (March), (May), (September)

Portage (November)

Prairie Rose (January), (March), (November)

Roseisle (April), (October)

Sioux Valley (May)

Steinbach EMC (January), (March), (August), (December)

Straffordville (January), (February), (March)

Swan River (April), (December)

Taber (February)


Pansy (October)


Ministerial explores team building and healthy conflict (September)

Church delegates hear from boards, affiliate agencies (September)

Election results (September)

Creation pamphlet and Bill C-18. (September)


On titles and tags (January)

The golden age of Anabaptism (January)

The challenging figure of Jesus (February)

Children, parents, and Jesus (February)

End of life assumptions (March)

Learning to be content (March)

The Church, a centre of hope (April)

Hubmaier’s counsel (April)

Unpacking a single line (May)

Buttonholed by a radical (May)

The TRC and the Wounded One (June)

Serving a community (June)

Moving beyond the plateau (July)

Strengths of the EMC (July)

Non-prophetic predictions (August)

To discuss and to decide (August)

Practical steps to see themselves (September)

Read the criminal code lately? (September)

Bibby: a resilience that confounds (October)

Training in both literacy and illiteracy (October)

Where history takes us (November)

Peace, war, and discussion (November)

‘Christ Jesus our hope’ (December)

Christ the Questioner (December)


Trustees and treasurers gather in Tillsonburg (May)

EMC involved in TRC statement (June)


Is cremation the way to go? (January)

A lover’s chase (February)

Being good and angry (March)

Jesus undoes us (April)

In Marriages of Mixed Desires (May)

Growing children with baptismal intent (June)

Let’s not ‘unwelcome’ children (July)

You don’t have to be special (August)

Do you see the pattern? (September)

Christ has plundered the ‘gods’ (October)

A Little Sunday Foolishness (November)

Jesus is the Answer (December)


Savouring my sabbatical (March)

Teens: A world set apart (July)


Thanksgiving precedes the miracle (January)

Excellence in the presence of the King (February)

Overflowing to wet the feet around me (April)

‘You deserve it!’ (May)

Don’t diss Christ’s girl! (June)

This wasn’t Jesus’ way (July)

Don’t get dehydrated! (August)

In retrospect (September)

Exercise and God as Spiritual Trainer (November)

A Theology of Yet (December)


What is your gift? (January)

Make a list (February)

A new beginning (March)

The first Easter (April)

Important Words (May)

Things That Change (June)

Who are you? (July)

The Wise Man’s Food (August)

New shoes (September)

Do you have courage? (October)

What is Colour? (November)

What do you expect for Christmas? (December)


Celebrating God’s grace, Gordon Dyck (April)

Gratitude to Stackhouse and General Board, Barbara Plett (April)

Thank you to Heidi Dirks and Carol Thiessen, Anna Moore (May)

Program is not a free ride, Ken Reddig (May)

Much grace and patience needed, Ruth Penner (May)

Peaceful resolution desired, Janice Imrie (May)

Comforted by God and his people, Lisa Enns (June)

What does the Bible say about cremation? Kathy Cornelsen (July)

Compassion and equal justice, David Penner (July)

Redress sought from Canadian companies, Esther Epp-Tiessen (July)

Challenged by what he sees, Sid Reimer (July)

Incisive prose exposes chronic malaise, Ward Parkinson (August)

Article unfit for The Messenger, Lloyd Kornelsen (September)

In part, by redefining ‘church,’ Wally Doerksen (September)

Church leaders seek peace in Israel and Gaza (September)

The fellowship of believers, Irene Kroeker (October)

Helped by Anabaptist ancestors, David Kruse (October)

(May) we be found on the side of truth, Mark Gerber (December)

Article thoughtful and insightful, Janice Imrie (December)


Asia: Elmer (February)

Papua New Guinea: Tim and Laurel Schroder (March)

Lesotho: Melvin and Kari Peters (March)

South Africa: Joe and Olga Reimer (March)

South Sudan: Gordon Skopnik (March)

Nicaragua: Ken Zacharias (April)

Europe: Marianne Fast (April)

Winnipeg: Kent Dueck (April)

Mexico: Ernie and Diane Koop (May)

Lesotho: Melvin and Kari Peters (May)

Paraguay: David Schmidt (May)

Winnipeg: Andrew Reimer (June)

The Philippines: Cynthia R. Barkman (June)

Winnipeg: Elvira Cote (July)

Burkina Faso: Paul Thiessen (July)

Ethiopia: Angela Kruse (July)

Bolivia: Jacobo Wiebe (August)

Winnipeg: Andrew Reimer (August)

Ethiopia: Karissa Kruse (August)

Mexico: Tara Wiebe (September)

South Sudan: Gordon Skopnik (September)

Papua New Guinea: Tim and Laurel Schroder (September)

Bolivia: Caroline Krahn (September)

Ontario: Albert Martens (September)

Paraguay: Chris Kroeker (September)

Winnipeg: Andrew Reimer (October)

Mexico: John and Connie Reimer (October)

Canada: Verna Doerksen (November)

Ethiopia: Angela Kruse (November)

Canada: NCEM/Arlyn van Enns (November)

Winnipeg: Andrew Reimer (November)

Japan: Amy Peters (November)

Mexico: Diane Koop (December)

Northern Manitoba: Cheryl Harder (December)


Don’t overlook giving close to home (October)


EMC General Board upholds traditional view of marriage (January)

EMC observer sent to Mennonite Brethren discussion (January)

EMC involved in TRC statement (June)

Statement of Anabaptist Church Leaders (June)

‘Taught by God’ used to teach others (July)

Church leaders seek peace in Israel and Gaza (September)

Missionaries gather, Schmidts honoured (November)

Region Two hosts Discover Your Ministry Potential weekend (December)

Free 2014 Peace and Discipleship sermon booklet available (December)

The Christian Life booklet now available (December)

Church of the Brethren calls for international attention to crisis in Nigeria (December)

World Fellowship Sunday set for (January) 18 (December)

Anabaptists help Catholics repair church (December)

Making a difference with EMC Project Builders (December)

Gingerich hired as MFC consultant in Ont. (December)

Ofori, Klassen hired as CFGB policy advisors (December)

‘Hearing God’s Call’ chosen as VBS 2015 theme (December)


Claiborne inspires youth to pursue peace and justice (January)

Zerbe is CMU’s new vice president academic (January)

Canadian government gives CFGB $6.5M for Syria (January)

Filipino climate negotiators issue challenge to world (February)

The EFC: Effective in Ottawa (February)

VBS material available for 2014 (February)

Mennonites, Lutherans continue journey toward reconciliation (February)

‘Not fair for the children to suffer’ (February)

Mennonite World Conference—our global family (March)

Keeping the faith at climate change talks (March)

Wide roles for BCM, executive secretary (April)

Open for justice—not just business (May)

Being fair while talking about the ‘Oil Patch’ (May)

Young leaders at MCCS thrift store (May)

MCC seeks emergency assistance to South Sudan (June)

Garcia calls for ‘mission from below’ amidst shifting global realities (June)

MCC calls for reinstatement of CoSA funding (June)

Ten projects worth $2.5M committed in (March) (June)

It all started with shoelaces! (June)

Mid-Way hold second annual youth conference (June)

Village of Tin celebrates hospital’s re-opening (June)

MCC work in Ukraine continues despite uncertainty (June)

A new way of thinking (June)

Bearing Witness website gathers Anabaptist stories of struggle (June)

Project Builders serves the Church in Burkina Faso (June)

It all started with shoe laces (June)

Mid-Way holds second annual youth conference (June)

Supporting pastors in the face of trauma (July)

Bomb blasts reveal Christians and Muslims working together (July)

‘Taught by God’ used to teach others (July)

EMC graduates (July)

MFC hires four staff persons (July)

EMCers among 16 climbing for a cause (July)

Corrections restores funding for CoSA (July)

The Worship Service: a Latin American perspective (August)

Foodgrains Bank welcomes $3.5B for maternal and child health (August)

CBES: confidence in Scripture affects attendance (September)

EMCers welcomed to MWC’s Assembly 2015 (October)

Kingdom Come: Living What Jesus Taught (October)

South Korean C.O. gets 18-month sentence (November)

Gingerich hired as MFC consultant in Ont. (November)


John K. Reimer, 1919–2013 (January)

William (Bill) S. Friesen, 1928–2013 (February)

Mary (Knelsen) Olfert (memorial) (May)

Zaria Dawn Loewen-Watson, (March) 19, 2014 (June)

Lorne K. Loewen, 1935–2013 (June)

Abraham K. Martens, 1929–2014 (June)

Tina Fast (nee Plett), 1923–2014 (July)

Grace Marie Thiessen, 1948–2014 (July)

Mary Klassen Kroeker, 1940–2013 (August)

Gertrude (Wiebe) Klassen, 1915–2014 (September)

Henry L. Reimer, 1928–2014 (October)

Betty Reimer, 1930–2014 (December)


Ernie and Diane Koop (BOM) (January)


Big Fish, Brigitte Toews (March)

Breath of Love, Eleanor Lee Gustaw (March)

Autumn’s Song, Eleanor Lee Gustaw (October)


SBC hosts successful Beth Moore event (January)

Rob Reimer returns from sabbatical (February)

SBC’s Mission X 2014 challenges students (April)

IMPACT 2014 ‘a huge success’ (May)

Winnipeg police chief Clunis guest at SBC (May)

Carl Loewen new Missions prof at SBC (June)

Fundraising event goes well at SBC (June)

SBC graduates 32 (July)

SBC hosts successful 4th annual golf tournament (August)

SBC requests prayer for students (October)


Evaluating charities requires asking the right questions (January)

Things I wish my father had done (February)

Grandchildren: growing from self-centredness to unrestrained generosity (March)

Make kids pay for vacation (April)

Following your faith or following the world? (May)

Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction? (June)

Grateful for modern-day Calebs (July)

Digital Estate Planning (August)

Simple plan for intentional generosity (September)

Beware of ‘undue influence’ in estate planning (October)

Generous Eyes (November)

That’s a lot of money! (December)


The Fire at Mount Salem (November)


After 48 years, how’s the Church in Nicaragua? (April)

Grace Thiessen: a servant of the Lord (July)

Associate Missions: part of the EMC team taking us farther (August)

We face challenges, but I am excited! (October)

EMC Missions is on the lookout for humble people! (December)


Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel),Francis I (January)

Revolutionary Christian Citizenship, John Howard Yoder (February)

The Anabaptists and Contemporary Baptists, Malcolm Yarnell, ed. (March)

Rescuing Theology from the Cowboys, Richard L. Twiss (July)

The Orenda, Joseph Boyden (July)

Upholding the Old, Embracing the New: The Life of PJB Reimer, Teacher, Minister, and Mennonite Historian, Dianne Hildebrand (October)

For God and Country (in that order),Logan Mehl-Laituri (October)

Taste the New Wine, Bernie Loeppky (November)

Theology of Mission, John H. Yoder (November)

Darwin’s Doubt, Stephen C. Meyer (December)

Links to 2014 Issues