The Messenger

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The Messenger Index: 2011


Issues of concern in 1980 and today (January)

Menno Simons’ experience of grace (February)

Dr. Archie Penner and pacifism (March)

An over-stuffed suitcase! (April)

What did Menno Simons say about assurance? (May)

The Archives and the communion of saints (June)

Ministerial minutes and change (July)

Las Vegas in EMC circles: Self-published books (August)

Simplex and the Priest (September)

The EMC story reflects God’s manifold grace (October)

The ‘hidden curriculum’ of Christian Education (November)

Rev. Dave K. Schellenberg, a shaper of the EMC (December)


Not everyone is a rocker yet! Abe Warkentin (January)

Who cares? Murray Barkman (April) Is wealth a sin? Debbie Funk (May)

Proverbs from the construction site, Bernard Wiebe (June)

How would you answer? Don Hutchinson (July)

The Foundation Upon Which Our Faith Rests, Glenn Loewen (August) A resolution that gives reason for concern, Don Hutchinson (September)

Are we ‘sacrificing’ the blood of Jesus? Will Rose (November)


Behold! The Nations are Entering the City of God, Dr. David W. Shenk (January)

Chicken Little Comes to Church, Dale Dueck (January)

The Trouble with the Bible, Dr. Ed Neufeld (February)

Pastors and Compassion Fatigue: the painful cost of caring, Dr. Chris Marchand (February)

10 Ways to Affirm Weekday Ministers, Wally Kroeker (February)

Living Word, why are You so hard to hear? David Funk (March)

To get the ‘buzz going’ where the kingdom is resisted, Layton Friesen (March)

Changing our minds: A first step toward healing in our relationships with Aboriginals, Andrew Reimer (March)

Bullying in the Church? Dwight Munn (March)

Jesus, Easter, and Karl Barth, Michael Welton (April)

The Greatest Event Ever! Dr. Pierre Gilbert (April)

Love’s Transformation, Cameron S. McKenzie (April)

When Jesus lost it! Darren Plett (May)

A God of Wrath or a God of Grace? Dr. Pierre Gilbert (May)

Early Anabaptists: a journey to unexpected places, Terry M. Smith (May)

Moving toward our preferred future, Trudy Dueck (June)

What does it mean to be a Mennonite? Dwight Munn (June)

Rights in a world of wrongs, Dr. August Konkel (June)

Not2us… Less of us and more of God (with sidebars), Hannah Wiebe (July)

Not2Us… Thoughts from the Conference Youth Minister, Gerald Reimer (July)

This is why we are part of a Christian community! Cheryl Braun (July)

Worship songs are conversation—choose the words carefully! Dr. Christine Longhurst (July)

Incarnational ministry in the larger Canadian context, David Funk (August)

The Jesus Way: Foundations, Scott Koop (August)

Convention 2011 in photos, Rebecca Roman (August)

If God is our Father…, David Funk (September)

A Defence of Poor Preaching, Layton Friesen (October)

El Camino de Jesús entre Gente Hispana, Antonio Pitta (October)

The Jesus Way among the Hispanic People, Antonio Pitta (October)

Secretario Generalo electo, César García reflexiona sobre su viaje y su vision, Kathy Heinrichs Wiest (October)

MWC General Secretary-elect César García reflects on journey and vision, Kathy Heinrichs Wiest (October)

Joe and Olga Reimer: grateful to ‘the Spirit’ who led them in ministry, Terry M. Smith (October)

The Jesus Way: Respecting Traditional, Conservative Mennonites, Abe Bueckert (November)

A Church That Speaks Only One Language, Angel Infantes (November)

Una Iglesia Que Habla Un Solo Idioma, Angel Infantes (November)

Living in the fast lane while easing on the pedal, William Kehler (November)

Impossible possibilities, Sue Sorensen (December)

Christmas story, Andrew Reimer (December)

The truth of Christmas amid mourning and pain, Jeff Plett (December)


Abbeydale (April)

Aberdeen (February), (May)

Anola (April), (November)

Blumenort (February), (September)

Braeside (February), (June), (August), (October)

Community Bible (September), (December)

Crestview (April)

EFC Steinbach (January), (July), (October)

EFC Fort Frances (January)

Fort Garry (February), (August)

Good News (September), (November)

Heartland (January), (April), (September)

Hillside (February)

Island Gospel (April), (September), (November)

Kleefeld (June), (November)

La Crete (August), (December)

MacGregor (September)

Mennville (April), (May), (October)

Morris (January)

Morweena (March), (October)

Northern Fellowship (June)

Pansy (February), (March)

Pelly (July), (November)

Picture Butte (March), (November)

Pineridge (August), (September)

Pleasant Valley (December)

Portage (June), (August), (November)

Prairie Grove (April), (November)

Prairie Rose (October)

Riverton (March), (May), (July), (October), (November)

Roseisle (January), (April), (September), (December)

Rosenort EMC (June)

Rosenort Fellowship (September)

Steinbach EMC (March), (September)

Straffordville (April), (November)

Westpointe (January), (June), (October), (November)

Wymark (January), (December)


Aberdeen (May)


Behold! The Nations are Entering the City of God, Dr. David W. Shenk (January)

Incarnational ministry in the larger Canadian context, David Funk (August)

The Jesus Way: Foundations, Scott Koop (August) Convention 2011 in photos, Rebecca Roman (August)

Ministerial meets ‘without the screaming’ (August)

Delegates unprepared to vote on Unity in Diversity document (August)

Summary of Harmony Project lunch discussion (August)

Convention makes history with use of three languages (August)

Conference board election results (August)


How will we share the Good News in 2011? (January)

Four impressions (January)

Ministry routes and an asterisk (February)

The Naked Lutheran (February)

Bhatti, a Christian martyr (March)

As events unfold (March)

Of first importance (April)

CMU, PTS, and EMC (April)

External and internal discussions (May)

Learning from the Early Church (May)

Displaced by disaster (June)

Decisions, delegates needed (June)

A treat and a challenge (July)

Truth in life (July)

It would have been nice! (August)

Famine and bailout (August)

Treated as if Christ himself (September)

Weakness and God’s power (September)

Does Luther’s hammer still ring? (October)

Congregational creativity and commitment (October)

When soldiers want to flee (November)

An Advent question (November)

The Good News beyond its rivals (December)

To enter boldly with hesitation (December)


Resources are available! (February)

More than money (March)

What is a ‘faq’? (May)


How much autonomy? (March)

What is the strongest influence? (April)

‘New Wine’ at MCC—what does it mean for EMC? (October)


Something new! (January)

How many ways can you say, ‘Thank you’? (February)

The Monkey Bread Tree (March)

Who is God? (April)

The beasts and the birds (May)

A Spring riddle (June)

How is your memory? (July)

An ant lesson (August)

How cool are you? (September)

How to be thankful (October)

My favourite thing (November)

A time of waiting (December)


Let’s be constructive! Wes Dick (February)

Joyful noise! Tim Field (February)

A breath of fresh air, Randy Hiebert (March)

Education needed, Brenda Funk (March)

Worship leaders, it is a reminder, Mo Friesen (March)

We need to pray and share, David and Elaine Fehr (April)

March issue especially appreciated, Ron Penner (April)

Christian companies, help employees with health issues, Chuck Friesen (June)

A Christ-uplifting experience! Earl Unger (July)

Portrayal of Jesus inaccurate, Rosalind Petzold (July)

To an outsider it looked as if Jesus ‘lost it!’ Darren Plett (August)

Connections with EMC are valued, Gordon Johnson (August)

A balance of conference leadership needed, Darryl Klassen (September)

Concerned about disregarding constitution with tacit approval, Don Thiessen (October)

One image no test of orthodoxy, Glen Klassen (November)

Surprised by struggle, Senator Don Plett (December)


Times they are a-changing (February)

The Holy Spirit still speaks Low German! April

Treating the Church’s osteoporosis (June)

Re:Call—National Church Planting Congress 2011 (December)


Africa: Terry Smith (January)

Fort Chipewyan, Alta.: Arlyn van Enns (January)

Winnipeg: Laurie Kozak (February)

Papua New Guinea: Lorie Schierer (February)

Paraguay: Landis Benítez (February)

Ethiopia: Rolf Kruse (February)

Nicaragua special projects (March)

Mexico: John Reimer (March)

Burkina Faso: Paul Thiessen (March)

South Africa: Joe and Olga Reimer (March)

Madagascar: Jocelyn R. Plett (April)

Mexico: Rosanne Buhler (April)

Costa Rica: Dan Friesen (April)

Burkina Faso: Paul Thiessen (April)

Mexico: Connie and John Reimer (May)

Mexico: Roxanne Buhler (May)

Paraguay: Travis Zacharias (June)

Nicaragua: Zachari Hein (June)

Mexico: LeRoy and Faith Siemens (June)

Winnipeg: Laurie Kozak (June)

Caronport, Sask: Julie Cole (July)

Mexico: John and Connie Reimer (July)

Nicaragua: Darlene Olfert (July)

Wisconsin: Dave Field (July)

South Africa/Canada: Joe and Olga Reimer (July)

Mexico: Tara Wiebe (August)

Winnipeg: Jordan Penner and Andrew Reimer (August)

Burkina Faso/Canada: Paul Thiessen (August)

Pam Am Games – Guadalajara, Mexico (ad) (August)

Canada: Harvey Thiessen (September)

Mexico: Grace Thiessen (September)

Manitoba: Ferlin Abrahamson (September)

Paraguay: Dave and Judy Schmidt (September)

Manitoba: Ferlin Abrahamson (October)

Paraguay: Travis and Rosey Zacharias (October)

Mexico: LeRoy Siemens (October)

Madagascar: Jocelyn R. Plett (October)

Burkina Faso: Paul Thiessen (November)

Paraguay: Anne Braun (November)

Thailand: Ed and Ruth Anne Peters (November)

Manitoba: Ferlin Abrahamson (November)

Sudan/Canada: Lauren Anderson (December)

Philippines: Cynthia Barkman (December)

Mexico: Connie Reimer (December)


How well do we know each other? (January)

Are we missional? (June)

Convention-al thoughts (August)


EMC delegates talk openly, harmoniously (January)

‘Driven’ ministers need rest (January)

NLO looks to the EMC (January)

EMCers at CMU discuss academic freedom (May)

‘What are the values of the EMC?’ (May)

EMCers graduate (May)

Conference board nominations (June)

Correction to EMCers graduate (June)

EMCers graduate (July)

New EMC conference pastor hired (October)

EMC Archives Committee members sought! (October)

Region 7 leaders retreat for prayer (November)

Christmas greetings from the EMC office staff (December)


EMCers add their voices! (January)

Rest Haven evening remembers courageous Christians (January)

Westpointe wins first EM Cup! (January)

Creating a culture for recovery (January)

A ‘hinge moment’ in Canadian history (January)

Former MCC director, J. M. Klassen, dies at 81 (January)

Higher food prices good for poor farmers (February)

CFGB-related project bringing hope in Haiti (February)

Zentner serves in Northern Saskatchewan! (February)

Food crisis a threat to global stability (February)

Urgent call to prayer for Egypt (February)

District Two Mennonites lose their church centre (February)

Decision released on freedom of commissioners in Sask. (February)

Former panhandler wows MEDA audience (March)

Board member fills new MEDA position (March)

Water cisterns improve life in Bolivia (March)

MDS cuts budget to reflect new realities, original vision (March)

MCC international workers in Egypt relocated, now returning (March)

New MEDA project to boost rice and textiles in Ethiopia (March)

MCC thrift shop sales continue to boom (March)

EFC calls for defense of religious minority rights (March)

SBC offers Administrative Assistant Day (April)

MCC welcomes donations for Japan (April)

MHSC launches MCC Canada history and database (April)

The world has moved on, but Pakistan is needy (April)

‘What does it mean to be Anabaptist?’ (April)

The EFC intercedes for Christian on death row (April)

Debit cards spell relief for Pakistan flood victims (April)

More hunger as food prices climb (April)

Richard Thiessen managing editor of GAMEO (May)

Bernardine Plett thanked for her efforts (May)

Steve Dueck interviewed about POI (May)

Providence is becoming greener (May)

West Africans strengthen ties with MWC (May)

Donate MPI rebate and help those with less: MCC (May)

MDS works in flood-damaged B.C. village (May)

Tour to Ukraine, poignant way to recall EMC history (June)

César García to become MWC General Secretary (June)

MCC promotes ‘farming God’s way’ (June)

Over two million people benefit from CFGB in 2010 (June)

DPRK visitors to Canada build connections with MCC (June)

Dueck brothers share Briercrest award (July)

MCC helping ‘the poorest of the poor’ in Pakistan (July)

Dueck honoured at Providence and Briercrest (July)

Eden holds grand opening (July)

MDS ready to respond to Manitoba flood recovery (July)

MCC program reaches out to moms (July)

Stiller named as WEA global ambassador (July)

Stitching healthier communities in Cambodia (July)

Links to 2011 Issues