The Messenger

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The Messenger Index: 2010


Silenced within the snows of Siberia (April)

When Anabaptists confiscated Menno Simons’ writings (May)

WGM: a great, imperfect movement (June)

War: when leaders scramble to respond (July)

1937: when Bible colleges were dangerous (September)

From Wales to the EMC (October)

Susanne K. Plett, a missions pioneer (November)

Colonization evangelism, an oxymoron? (December)


Beyond Us and Them, John Schlamp (March 17)

Who cares about academic freedom? Al Hiebert (April)

The Temple: God’s presence on earth, Glen Koop (June)

Fuel on the fire? I don’t think so! Allan G. Lie (August)


A hope that lives on, Arden Thiessen (January 6)

Jesus matters! Dr. David W. Shenk (January 20)

Mennonites agonize over Bolivian rape victims (January 20)

Breaking Free: From caregiver to equipper, Dr. Greg Ogden (February 3)

The Journey to the Cross, Jacob Enns (March 17)

The Word in worship: using the Bible in our services, Dr. Christine Longhurst (April)

Moving toward joy, Brigitte (Bouvier) Toews (April)

Examining covenant community biblically, George Toews (May)

The historical trail of the EMC membership idea, Dr. Arden Thiessen (May)

A few thoughts on why I love my church, Jocelyn R. Plett (May)

Hockey Night in Afghanistan, Dr. Arley Loewen (June)

Kornelius Isaak and the Moro spear, Harry Loewen and others (June)

The Muslim Mosaic, Dr. Arley Loewen (July)

Disaster leaders ‘see the oil,’ Anna Groff (July)

Say a prayer for the peace of Israel, Irma Janzen (July)

An Open Door that None Can Shut, Dr. David W. Shenk (August)

Must we knock down other people’s candles? Dr. Ron Sider (August)

Lutherans and Anabaptists reconcile in service of repentance and forgiveness, Byron Rempel-Burkholder (August)

The Father Heart of God, Flo Friesen (September)

In Another Land (September)

Bearing the Cross, Linda Gehman Peachey (September)

Susanna Dueck’s Story of Survival, Elma Brandt (October)

Expressing Gratitude to Two Church Leaders, Terry M. Smith (October)

Mad Woman and a Miracle, Kirsten Penner Krymusa (October)

The Faith of the Criminal on the Cross, Menno Simons (October)

The Lamb is Worthy to Take the Book! Dr. David W. Shenk (November)

Clothed and In Our Right Minds, Dr. Terry Hiebert (November)

Iglesia Cristiana Ebenezer Donda la Alabanza y la Hermandad de la Iglesia son vitals, Terry Smith y Gerald Reimer (November)

Iglesia Cristiana Ebenezer: Where Praise and Church Family are Vital! Terry Smith and Gerald Reimer (November)

The ConneXion: Connecting with God and each other, Terry Smith (December)


Blumenort (February 3), (June)

Braeside (August), (September), (December)

Church of Living Water (January 20)

Crestview (September)

EFC Steinbach (June)

Emmanuel (November)

Fish Creek (January 6), (July), (December)

Fort Garry (June), (July)

Grace (November)

Heartland (January 6), (April), (May), (August), (October), (November), (December)

Hillside (July)

Hudson Bay (May)

Kleefeld (May), (November)

La Crete (August)

Leamington (February 3)

MacGregor (March 17)

Many Rooms (April), (September)

Mennville (February 3), (September), (October)l

Mission Heights (July)

Morris (January 20), (August)

Morweena (September), (October)

New Life (July)

Northern Fellowship (June)

Oak Bluff (December)

Pansy (May), (August)

Pelly (April), (July), (December)

Picture Butte (July), (October)

Portage (April), (May), (November)

Prairie Rose (July)

Reserve Fellowship (November)

Riverton (February 3), (June), (October), (December)

Roseisle (April), (September)

Rosenort EMC (January 20)

Rosenort Fellowship (July)

Steinbach EMC (January 6), (April), (September), (December)

Straffordville (May)

Swan River (January 6), (August), (October)

Taber (April), (July)

Vanderhoof (May), (July), (October)

Wymark (March 17), (May), (November)


Many Rooms (Winnipeg) (April)

Ebenezer (Brandon) (November)

The ConneXion (Arborg) (December)


An Open Door that None Can Shut, Dr. David W. Shenk (August)

Ministerial: Shenk shares MWC’s convictions and on global challenges (August)

Conference Council approves new fields of Bolivia and Jalisco State (August)

Election results (August)

A pause for Paraguay (August)

Convention offerings (August)

Balancing mission and national church relationship, Alvira Friesen (August)

Youth soaked, refreshed at convention (August)

Photos (August)

The Lamb is Worthy to Take the Book! Dr. David W. Shenk (November)

The First Priority: The Gospel to All Nations, Dr. David W. Shenk (December)


In the year of our Lord 2010 (January 6)

Carriers of hope and help (January 6)

Lord of the locked places (January 20)

Diversity and accountability (January 20)

Brunk and the dogs (February 3)

Governor General Michaëlle Jean (February 3)

Where is my copy of The Messenger? (March 17)

How much information do you want? (March 17)

Ever considered a lectionary? (April)

The Messenger goes monthly (April)

Influences and decision-making (May)

EMCers near a mushroom patch (May)

Starts hurt by lack of funds (June)

Planting more and wisely (June)

While the lilies drown (July)

Reading the fine print (July)

The trouble with being politically correct (August)

Washing the feet of a Lutheran bishop (August)

Farmers in Pakistan and Canada (September)

Wonderful ways of working together (September)

The Bishop and The Polyglot (October)

Why include Menno’s article? (October)

Nine regions, one Church (November)

A bridge, not a barrier (November)

The defining person of history and beyond (December)

A tough year ends (December)


Who is the conference? (July)

EMC, privacy, and me (August)

Students, privacy, and the EMC (September)

PIPEDA is a reality! (September)

Two classes of missionaries? (October)

Where does the money go? (November)


A financial challenge (March 17)

NIP: a layer of protection for EMC churches (June)


Is God testing us? (March 17)

Kids need true heroes (May)


Light, is it important? (January 20)

Do you ever fly a kite in Spring? (March 17)

What do you mean to say? (April)

To see is to do (May)

What is sand? (June)

No ball? No problem! (July)

Water, water, everywhere! (August)

Be thankful! (September)

The Keeper of the Earth (October)

Be a peacemaker! (December)


Responding to hurting Bolivian Mennonites, Darnell Plett (January 20)

Put a smile on the treasurer’s face! Alice and Linda Doerksen (May)

There was a great deal of engagement with the Scriptures, Val and Erwin Warkentin (June)

Thanks for the View from the Pew, Eric Isaac (September)

Unity a by-product, not a plan, Dale Loewen (October)


350,000 types of beetles (January 6)

Third places (June)

How do you rate on the Welcome Meter? (September)


Paraguay: David and Judy Schmidt (January 6)

Mexico: Elma Janzen (January 6)

South Africa: Joe and Olga Reimer (January 6)

Sudan: Gordon Skopnik (January 20)

Tadoule Lake: Edna (March)tens (January 20)

Paraguay: Travis and Rosey Zacharias (February 3)

Oaxaca, Mexico: Grace Thiessen (February 3)

Nicaragua: Darlene Olfert (March 17)

Sudan: Sharon Skopnik (March 17)

Sudan: Rolf Kruse (April)

Canada: Harvey Thiessen (April)

Lesotho: Kari Peters (April)

South Africa: Joe Reimer (April)

Grand Rapids: Manfred Neff (April)

Nicaragua: Jared Schroeder (April)

Wisconsin: Dave and Kim Field (May)

Nicaragua: Zachari Hein (May)

Europe: Lesley and (March)ianne Fast (May)

BOM project: Chile (May)

Europe: Lesley and Marianne Fast (June)

Papua New Guinea: Tim Schroder (June)

Burkina Faso: Paul Thiessen (July)

South Africa: David Driedger (July)

China: Asia Worker (July)

Paraguay: Travis Zacharias (July)

Bolivia: Verna Doerksen (July)

Canada: Albert (March)tens (July)

Burkina Faso: Paul Thiessen (July)

Paraguay: Erna Plett (August)

Mexico: Tara Wiebe (August)

EMC Paraguay missionaries available for church reporting (August)

Burkina Faso: Paul Thiessen (September)

Mexico: Leroy Siemens (September)

Wisconsin: Kim Field (October)

Paraguay: Renita Rempel (October)

Mexico: Jake and Merna Bartsch (November)

The Philippines: Carl Loewen (November)

Paraguay: Dave Schmidt (November)

Mozambique: Joe Reimer (December)

Mexico: Grace Thiessen (December)

Paraguay: Renita Rempel (December)

The Philippines: Carl Loewen (December)

Nicaragua: Lester Olfert (December)

Juarez, Mexico: Doris Penner (December)


Ready for a change? (October)


Top-notch play Marks quarter-century EMCup (January 6)

Beyond pizza, big challenges (March 17)

EMC financial update (March 17)

Quarterly financial report (April)

PB Golf Classic gets rained out (July)

Ministerial: Shenk shares MWC’s convictions and on global challenges (August)

Conference Council approves new fields of Bolivia and Jalisco State (August)

EMC Paraguay missionaries available for church reporting (August)

Election results (August)

TRU assists in building unity (December)

Christmas Greetings (December)


Cut of matching funds concerns church groups (January 6)

A fine young man (January 20)

Thrift store sales hit record $5.9M (January 20)

Taking a sabbatical from homelessness (January 20)

MCC responding to Haiti earthquake (January 20)

February 7 lament service for Bolivian victims (January 20)

MEDA convention explores new frontiers (January 20)

Friesen newest MFC consultant (January 20)

Wiebe and Friesen new ROH directors (January 20)

MEDA software goes bananas (February 3)

MCC asks for relief kits, comforters, sheets for Haiti (February 3)

CMU has office of ministry inquiry (February 3)

Compassion more widespread than violence in Haiti (February 3)

Seven condemned Anabaptists remembered (February 3)

Service laments rapes in Bolivia (March 17)

Beyond pizza, big challenges (March 17)

Landmines: Calling for bold action from the U.S. in 2010 (April)

Christians in Iraq (April)

Curling event comes down to final shot (April)

Friesens end five years at Pass Christian (April)

Rea challenges students toward justice (April)

Greg Ogden presents a ‘no brainer’ (April)

The Philippines taught ‘many lessons’ (April)

MEDA sees peace dividend in youth program (April)

Turning toward peace to help Afghan children (April)

Lorraine Roth receives MHSC award (May)

30 graduate at SBC (May)

Providence Theological Seminary grads (May)

Esau tours with Bethany College (May)

Bethany College grads (May)

Low German cookbook affirms women (May)

VMC ordains 26, launches training institute (May)

MDS celebrates 60 years of service (May)

MDS fixes forgotten houses (May)

MCC seeks dialogue with Timber Bay families (May)

Growth at Eden requires more space (May)

Colombian displacement continues (May)

MCC partners injured in attack (May)

Dutch Mennonites voice views on war and peace (May)

Peter J. Dyck leaves legacy of service (May)

Graduates from Canadian Mennonite University (June)

EFC urges freedom for commissioners (June)

Segue and Winkler Co-op celebrate partnership (June)

MBs and GCs celebrate 150 years (June)

Nasreen is grateful to MEDA (June)

MCC thrift shop meeting focuses on teamwork (June)

MCC Canada receives over $8M for Haiti (June)

A World Glimpse: Uighurs (June)

Lutherans to consider legacy with Anabaptists (June)

Manitoba town welcomes refugees (June)

Palestinian church leaders call for justice (June)

MCC Canada launches mining justice campaign (June)

MCC urges governments to end Gaza blockade (June)

EFC equips youth to tackle euthanasia and assisted suicide (June)

Conference explores the Mennonite story in Siberia (June)

Tasting first fruits in Ukraine (July)

RGBI tour stops in Steinbach (July)

Moving from ‘we’ to ‘where’? (July)

MCC has a place for everyone (July)

Anabaptists number 1.6 million (July)

‘Just part of our protocol’ (July)

MDS responds to the Gulf oil spill (July)

Herald Press e-books now available (August)

Reviewers wanted (August)

A faith to die for (August)

MBs in Germany seek reconciliation (August)

‘Daily Terror’ exhibit raises awareness (August)

Je me souviens…I remember… (September)

MCC urges help in a ‘race against time’ in Pakistan (September)

CFGB is actively responding (September)

MCC and MEDA collaborate to help Haiti’s homeless (September)

MB churches taking the ‘AC challenge’ (September)

Robinson makes an impact at Leaders’ Day (September)

Not a crime to seek asylum, says MCC (September)

MDS responds to extreme Canadian weather (September)

MCC Manitoba addresses questions about MCC’s beliefs (September)

MCC responds to questions about MCC’s beliefs and activities (September)

How can Sunday School be strengthened? (September)

2011, year of celebrations for Dutch Mennonites (September)

MCC grieves worker killed in Afghanistan (September)

New MCC website debunks myths about Indigenous Canadians (September)

J. Lawrence Burkholder passes away at 92 (September)

November 14 is International Day of Prayer Sunday` (October)

EFC sends open letter on sex education (October)

MEDA gets crash course on safety in volatile regions (October)

MWC executive meets in Ethiopia (October)

MCC using donations of $700,000 for Pakistan (October)

Bolivian Mennonites providing more services (October)

Good happenings among Bolivian OC Mennonites (October)

Continental Mission to be strengthened (October)

MCC U.S. announces essay contest (October)

MCC food account lowest level in years (November)

Cruise ship passengers visit MEDA project in Ukraine (November)

Central Americans hold 35th Anabaptist Consultation (November)

Michael Brandt loves the Church! (December)

Continental Mission appoints new interim board (December)


David Frank Doerksen, 1946–2009 (January 6)

Andrew Siemens, 1991–2003 (memorial) (January 20)

Abram Giesbrecht Wiebe, 1946–2010 (March 17)

Helen Ethel (nee Fuller) Ronald, 1931–2010 (April)

Neil (Cornelius) Friesen, 1941–2008 (April)

Frank F. Doerksen, 1916–2009 (April)

Allan Kavanaugh, 1938–2009 (April)

Mary (nee Thiessen) Janzen, 1918–2010 (May)

Carmen Marlyn (nee Janzen) Kwirant, 1978–2010 (July)

Kaden Bryce Fehr, (June) 9, 2010 (July)

Eldon Penner, 1942–2010 (August)

Bobbi Reneé (Neudorf) Schlarbaum, 1984–2009 (October)

Cornelius Janzen, 1927–2010 (October)

Mary (Wolfe) Rempel, 1925–2010 (November)

Ramona Darlene (Petkau) Reimer, 1983–2009 (November)

Fred Friesen, 1937–2010 (November)

Abraham (Abe) Brandt, 1934–2010 (December)


John and Connie Reimer (BOM) (October)

Doris Penner (BOM) (October)


Holding hands in hard times (January 20)

New eyes to the poor (March 17)

How far would you go for a free cup of coffee? (April)

Crossing over (May)

Paving my own road to grace (June)

Revolution on the streets (July)

Embracing authority (August)

Scars that bind us (September)

Lest the Cross be emptied of its power (October)

Justified (November)

Birth and rebirth (December)


The Capital Offence, Brigitte Toews (March 17)

Cross Loss, Allan G. Lie (June)

The Lamp of God, Brigitte Toews (June)

Grieving Again, Paul Unruh (July)

H-O-P-E, Eleanor Gustaw (December)


Breaking Free: From caregiver to equipper, Dr. Greg Ogden (February 3)

Beyond pizza, big challenges (March 17)

Greg Ogden presents a ‘no brainer’ (April)

The Philippines taught ‘many lessons’ (April)

30 graduate at SBC (May)

A different perspective on college athletics (July)

Clothed and In Our Right Minds, Dr. Terry Hiebert (November)


A season for giving (January 6)

Show me the money! (January 20)

Living at the edge (February 3)

Good Samaritan or just too busy? (March 17)

Plastic Surgery (April)

Retirement: how do you feel about it? (May)

‘I choose,’ not ‘I can’t’ (June)

Honesty about money (July)

Retirement—eat, drink, and be merry! (August)

Joy and finances (September)

Guardianship—take good care of your children (October)

Are they worth it? (November)

Thy will be done (December)


‘What about Guadalajara?’ (March 17)

Board of Missions considers Guadalajara and Bolivia (May)

Whose responsibility is recruitment? (September)

Fred Friesen, a pivotal figure in EMC missions (November)


A New Kind of Church: Understanding Models of Ministry for the 21st Century, Aubrey Malphurs (January 6)

The Faith Given Once for All, Charles Colson and Harold Fickett (January 20)

Monday Marriage: Celebrating the Ordinary, Gerald W. and L. Marlene Kaufman (February 3)

Practices: Mennonite Worship and Witness, John D. Roth (March 17)

Annie…Through it all, Betty Barkman (May)

Woman to Woman, Sharing Jesus with a Muslim Friend, Joy Loewen (May)

Under Construction: Reframing Men’s Spirituality, Gareth Brandt (June)

Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church, N. T. Wright (June)

Transforming Conflict and Anger into Peace and Non-Violence: A Spiritual Direction, Janet Malone (June)

War, Peace, and Social Conscience: Guy F. Hershberger and Mennonite Ethics, Theron F. Schlabach (September)

Open Window to Heaven, Elizabeth Reimer (October)

Sexuality: God’s Gift, Anne Krabille Hershberger (November)

The Naked Anabaptist: The Bare Essentials of a Radical Faith, Stuart Murray (November)

Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense, N. T. Wright (December)

Links to 2010 Issues